Costs and terms of use

The terms of use of TUC Sports facilities, aim for the smooth operation of the premises, in order to upgrade the quality and achieve optimal services to athletes.

Terms of Use

1. Basket and volley courts are free to use.

2. Τhe use of the tennis and football pitches is allowed, only after reservation, through site or contacting TUC Sports office.

3. Accessibility in the online booking system have all university members, as well as citizens not related to the foundation.

4. Members of the Polytechnic community shall use the facilities free of charge. Reservations can be made using the personal account they are provided by TUC.

5. For individuals who are not members of the foundation, an online sign up is required.
5.1. The tennis courts are charged per person and time of use.
5.2. The football pitches are charged per time of use. Use is free of charge in the condition of a group that includes at least 6 members of the community. Reservations are allowed to at least 6 users or they fail to be accepted (by the online system).
5.3. The use of the facilities is prohibited to external trainers, associations or generally individuals engaging in commercial use of the premises. Any violation of the term will lead to indefinite exclusion penalty for use or presence.

6. Online booking system.
6.1. Members of the Polytechnic community can book courts for the current day and the next 8 days.
6.2. Individuals who are not members of the foundation can book courts for the current day and the next 6 days.

7. Each user has the right to use or book only once per day and up to 3 times a week. Declarations of other users, members of the university or external parties, can be registered by typing their names in the field of the pitch registration, accordingly (members or not).

8. Reservations can be canceled up to 2hours prior of use. Teammates can be added or removed at any time. In case of non-attendance without prior canceling the booker is charged with 30 days of disqualification and thus cannot proceed to further booking sessions.

9. The users of the facilities must keep the area clean and in good condition after the end of their reservation. Otherwise users will be charged with 30 days of disqualification and thus cannot proceed to further booking sessions.

10. In case of equipment use by the athletes, it should be returned in the same condition, otherwise it should be replaced. The use of the equipment is allowed only in the afternoon during the operation of the front desk of the facilities.


1. The usage of the sports facilities is free of charge for the members of the University. Academic ID is required.

2. Under aged users(<18 years) are only charged 1 euro per person. The sum is bound to be used in the form of benefits provided to all users of the facilities.

3. External parties follow special pricing as indicated below:

4. In special cases, such as group bookings (schools), the use of the facilities is free of charge, only after a qualified written accepted request from the Management Committee.

5. Payment (if any) is made at the front desk of the sports facilities.

Both football and tennis courts can be used during sports facilities secretariat opening hours but booking is initially needed. For any information, please contact us at